Premium Quality Meets Sustainable Living

Only with eJaby! Shop smarter and support a greener planet. Enjoy premium-quality groceries directly from the UAE’s top suppliers, get more value for your money, and support sustainable living.


eJaby’s Mission

eJaby is on a mission to revolutionize the shopping experience by delivering premium quality products directly from suppliers, all while significantly impacting our customers, vendors, and the planet.

Zero Waste
Save The Planet For Your Loved Ones

eJaby supports sustainability by offering "Extra Stock" products, reducing food waste, and minimizing CO2 emissions. This approach helps create a healthier planet while cutting down on environmental impact.


Meals saved by eJaby users across the MENA region

+500 Tons

CO2 emissions reduced by eJaby users

Perks of Being eJaby

Order all your favorite products with just a few taps!


Great Quality Premium Products

High-quality groceries directly from top suppliers.


Sustainable Lifestyle

Support a greener planet by shopping sustainably.


Friendly Experience

Easily find everything you need delivered to your doorstep.


Up 50% Off Market Price

Save almost half of your monthly grocery budget.

Be The Next eJaby!

Download our App

Easily access all premium products by clicking on the app store icon.

Start Smart Shopping

Find the top suppliers in the UAE with exclusive value.

Be the Next eJaby

By purchasing extra stock, you are actively participating in reducing CO2 emissions and making a positive impact on the environment. Join us in our mission to create a more sustainable future.

Be eJaby Now!

Discover premium products and go green with eJaby—tap here to start shopping smarter!
